Wednesday, May 18, 2011

i dont think ive ever been so confused for sucha long time.
this is probably worse than the friends but not really friends part. wait i lied thats how it is exactly.
its really complicated and i cant seem to take my mind off of it. i dont wanna confront him about it because we're supposedly on "break" im waiting for these next 3 weeks to pass by and hopefully we can start all over. afterall that is what he said will happen. idk i just miss him so much. i wanna talk to him/hug him/kiss him. yep yep i just really miss him. i feel like i havent seen him for over 2 weeks and lately we havent been talking much. agh im frustrated. i didnt think i'd feel this pain again. but its here again. i didnt think i'd be able to love again but here it goes again. sigh.
"we never get to pick who we fall in love with. it doesnt always happen the way you want it to happen."