Sunday, May 31, 2009

up was soo cuteeee

so yesterday me andrew and adam went to borders to study for the SAT it was a fail. ugh its exactly like the ap test -_- but eh whatever. then we went to andrew's house cuz dwayne had to drop off the mace and we were playing ping pong. yeah i owned him. talked to his mom. his mom said i lost weight. ahha typical. thenn went inside to check for showtimes for up 3d. andrew's dad went to get pizza while we watched the pokemon movie. lol then his dad got locked outta his car so i had to drive andrew to his church where his mom was and omg i love his church lol. then we got the key and went to little caesars and gave andrew's dad the key and yeah we were talking. his parents LOVE me now. ahhah so ironic. thenn came back home ate. went to the movies. had to get a later showtime cuz it was sold out. so we got the ticket and went to the shoppes. there was a band there playing christian music. they were pretty good. i liked it a lot. andrew didnt wanna leave lol. then went and watched up and i drove adam home. let andrew drive home. he is pretty good. i have to admit. haha (: overall yesterday was a REALLY good day. :]

Friday, May 29, 2009


my laptop is about to die again. hahaha
so imma make this quick. this weeek went by super fast cuz we only had 3 days of school.
went to the counselor to change my schedule turns out mr douchebag power didnt turn in my request form so now i gotta make sure he really does sign it and turn it in.
uhhhh nhs banquet tonight and lakers are playing. i hope they win
concert last night. pretty good. uhhh pagentry was weird.
aksldjfaskldjf yeah thats it.

Monday, May 25, 2009

braces off fshoo

got my braces off yesterday. my teeth are super sore from the retainers though. retainers hurt more than braces! -_- but yeahh idk its kinda coool. i wont get stuff stuck in my braces anymore :]
uhh still dont know what to do tomorrow. but bbq at my cuzin's today!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


i actually dont know. felt like posting a blog about absolutely nothing. i dont know what to say.
people are frustrating. andd i want this school year to be over NOW. its been sucha long stressful year. i wish i still talked to some people. i wish i didnt have sucha low patience level. i wish this year was like freshmen year. i wish people would stop trying so hard. i wish gas prices wasnt so high. i wish people wouldnt be so greedy. i wish things couldve been the same as it was last year. yeep
gonna stay home and probably do nothing.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

as my laptop is bout to die

im here finishing up the essay. geez i hate them
fios is amazing and i love it. i also love my new laptop. :]
uhh 4 day weekend. im excited. :]

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


didnt go to school today. waiting for the verizon guy to come and install my fios. got my laptop. getting my braces off sunday. 4 day weekend. uhh yee. i really like how things have turned out. i just hope that it stays this way for a while. anyways. so every night i eat like one fourth of a watermelon a day. ahhaha & i needa start going to practice everyday. probably starting next week. fsho. i need run. i ran 20 mins and i was dying. geez. but i'll get back into shape again soon. and yeah jesus wont leave me alone. im getting kinda annoyed. but other than that. things are pretty darn good. i like it.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

i love short days

the week went by pretty quickly. getting out early everyday was so nice. i actually had time to nap and still be able to do other stuff when i wake up.
yesterday me and adam stayed after school to help esther and kayleen film their chinese drama. it was pretty funny. and justin kept hurting me. then went to adam's house and waited till 5. in that time we baked some cookies. watched tv. tried to play the piano. and used the computer to read stuff on & thenn picked up krystal and went to a pho place. i havent had pho since march!. ahha thenn went to go watch ghost of girlfriend's past. came out and saw michelle moon, jro, & michael murata. they were just sitting around. then saw coach evan. with a GIRL. it was awkward. haha then everyone left and then we decided to get cherry on top. so we did and then we started talk bout all the lakers game that i didnt watch. -_- took krystal home. took adam home. and yeah came home and called tu and fell asleep on the phone with her. it was a really good day yesterday. it really didnt feel like a friday.
all weeek long we've been playing cards. my newest card game is slap jack right now. (:
well bbq today. i hope nadine is gonna be there. but i highly doubt it :[

Monday, May 11, 2009

wow fml

i took the ap bio test today and wow it was super hard. i was not prepared whatsoever. and idk i kinda thought i might get a 3 but after the essay hell nooo. but eh o well. at least i tried. im so glad we get out early this whole week. i like getting out early. buut cst testing tomorrow blahh -_- at least its easy. haha. hm. its getting pretty hott. & it feels like super already. soo im getting a laptop & fios soon. super happy. and braces off in 2 weeks. dang. and my hair will grow out by the time i take my senior picture soo no problem. :]
mother's day dinner tonight cuz we like to celebrate it after the holiday. haha. but yeahh dang. andrew's birthday is coming up soo now i gotta get him something. & getting tu a hamster for her birthday. summer camp with krystal this summer. it should be good. im super excited. :]
going out this friday. food friday. yee. i like life at the moment. i just dont want another drop. this rollercoaster has way too many drops. i need to start running again for cross country. dang. getting fat over here. ahah.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

i haaaaatee bio

so all this week ive been studying for bio. mainly during school though cuz fuck im too fuckin tired after i come home so i nap like every single day! wtf. everyone is stressing over their ap tests cuz like almost everyone i know is taking more than like 2. im taking one and im stressing. woooow. i cant wait to take this stupid bio test and get it over with. seriously. ughh. okaaay so today was chill. didnt do much. took a test in english. pretty easy. thank goodness whoever invented sparknotes!<3
its too fuckin hott. i dont like it. im like burning in my car while driving. geeez. im so glad cst testing is coming up. that means we get out EARLY! hell yeahh. dang. friday going to the beach. tomorrow i have a study session thingy for bio with anderson. and saturday gonna study whatever is left. cuz there is no way finish it up on sunday. had a cross country meeting today. man 170$ for running camp and sweater and all those good stuff. omg. too expensive. fuckk. where am i gonna get moneeeey. i need a job now!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

who is the pimpernette? [sp]

yeahhh went twice and finally saw the whole thing once. it was so good. seriously. im so glad i went and left that lame party early. i was lost in west covina. wow. i couldnt find the freeway i was looking for. but i finally found it at the end and made it on time to pick up adam. and on our way out his mom saw us. not good. but yeah good play. we got fed. and roc was dancing? thats kinda creepy. but it was funny. haha sorta. aw man next year is the last year of high school. kinda good and kinda bad. i was talking to dominick on the phone yesterday. its really rare to talk to him on the phone cuz he never calls me but it was nice even though i barely know him. haha but it was entertaining. hes funny. stupid man whore. buut idk its just weird to even think this year is ending and we're gonna be seniors next year. ap testing is coming closer. and i havent studied. geez. gonna procrastinate all this week. & i havent talked to him on the phone for like 4 days? idk but im pretty bored. and i wanna talk to him. yeeeeah. whatever. im tired. and hungry.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

wtf hoe.

you owe me money
pay me back cuz i cannot stand your laugh and your indirect bragging.
just cuz we dont talk anymore doesnt mean you dont owe me
you had money to fuckin go to the musical and to the movies but you cant fuckin pay me back. wtf bitch. youre too fuckin annoying. you quit track stop using ap testing as an excuse. cuz your ass isnt studying anyways. ugh.
there im done venting.
party and musical tonight.
gon be good.

Friday, May 1, 2009


so this week as been alright. once again there was ups and downs. but fersure today's rally SUCKED. but yeah whatever. uhh monday i dont remember. haha oo yeah i was gonna go to practice until i found out that there was a speed workout and i was like HAH no. im not going. turned out that the track meet on thursday was cancelled cuz nogales cancelled. tuesday didnt go to practice again but wednesday i did. i ran for 20 mins it was nice. and yesterday i studied for the bio test and went to the musical. omg it was soo long. i had to work for interact and i wasnt even in it. but at least im done with nhs hours now. & yeah but from what i saw it was pretty good. and the show ended like at 10 and i rushed and go outta there and took adam and krystal to eat yoshinoya [sp] & took them home. came home and knocked outt. but today i didnt take the bio test. so i have more time to study cuz everyone said it was hard. dang i need to do good! i need that B ughh. but yeahh.
tomorrow krystal is coming over to spend a night & uhhh cuzin's birthday party. ehh. whatever. im tired. and i want school to end. cant wait. ap testing is almost here. super nervous. not really. but yeah whatever.