Saturday, May 16, 2009

i love short days

the week went by pretty quickly. getting out early everyday was so nice. i actually had time to nap and still be able to do other stuff when i wake up.
yesterday me and adam stayed after school to help esther and kayleen film their chinese drama. it was pretty funny. and justin kept hurting me. then went to adam's house and waited till 5. in that time we baked some cookies. watched tv. tried to play the piano. and used the computer to read stuff on & thenn picked up krystal and went to a pho place. i havent had pho since march!. ahha thenn went to go watch ghost of girlfriend's past. came out and saw michelle moon, jro, & michael murata. they were just sitting around. then saw coach evan. with a GIRL. it was awkward. haha then everyone left and then we decided to get cherry on top. so we did and then we started talk bout all the lakers game that i didnt watch. -_- took krystal home. took adam home. and yeah came home and called tu and fell asleep on the phone with her. it was a really good day yesterday. it really didnt feel like a friday.
all weeek long we've been playing cards. my newest card game is slap jack right now. (:
well bbq today. i hope nadine is gonna be there. but i highly doubt it :[

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