Sunday, April 26, 2009


woke up around 8ish to go to the spirit thingy with my mom. pretty tripppy. uhh then got boba came home. paid the bills with my mom. gonna get fios :] woot. im so happy ahhah. FINALLY. then came home and waited for my mom to get home and when she did we went to take my brother to get his haircut. come home. texted adam and asked if he can chill cuz everyone else is sorta busy so i picked up him and went to the shoppes. and of course as usual saw someone that we knew. this time it was kyle & his gf, michael and two other chicks. and then me and adam went to in n out. it was good. ahah then target. we stayed there FOREVER. just talking and walking around. finally found a place to sit haha it was nice and funny. i seriously wonder what people think when they see us. ahahh its funny i guess. thenn went to walmart cuz we didnt wanna go home. then it was like 10 already so i took adam home and came home. and yeahh. talked to adam on the phone for about 40 mins or so and his mom came in and sorta gave him a lecture and stuff. asking him where he went and what he did and with who. apparently his mom doesnt really like me. thinking that im a bad influence towards him and im making him lie and stuff. which isnt true. i mean we talk but not even that much. it just so happens that every time he goes out its with me. and i dont go out that often with him either. idk his mom is tripppin.
thenn for like the past week or so michael was mad at me. :[ i didnt even know why but idk we finally talked it out and it was over something that was stupid. miscommunication i suppose. but its all good now. haha but overall a good day. im really looking foward to summer. i really want school to end now.
& i REALLY need to run. do we even have practice still? i dont even know.

Friday, April 24, 2009

yessss weeeekend!

i didnt go to practice for a weeek. including the track meet. i failed my bio test. like real bad. but i can get my grade up hopefully. uhh didnt go to practice either today and i went to jade's house instead. she made me pancakes. it was good. but i was already so full. my goodness. & then we watched lion king and i almost fell asleep. jade fell asleep. ahahh
then we decided to go to winco to buy some chocolate to make some chocolate covered strawberries. it didnt come out so great. but it was delicious. ahha came home workout for a little. showered and here i am (:
nice day i must say. just hope i didnt fail my spanish test. (:
this weeek was pretty bad for me but im glad its over with. & yess i can sleep in. hopefully :]

Thursday, April 23, 2009

asdl;jalsdkfj !

ughhhh omg stressss. school sucks. ahh. so i took my bio test and bombed it. geeez. hella hard. i hate PLANTS I HATE THEMMM! & now im getting sick. GREATTT. geez. this weather is too crayz for me. it was hott for 2 days then a good weather for once and today was all cold then hott. geez.
& people are bugging meeee. not really just one person. but that bitch needs to back off and gimme back my money LIKE NOW.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

bonelli park<3

i think i spelled it right. i reallly love that park. haha compared to mt sac. i think im going to enjoy cross country. haha im slow but i dont care. its fun. i really enjoy long runs that consists grass. [NICE CUT GRASS] and some sort of lake with duckies. and friendly people. i just really love parks like english springs park and bonelli (:. soo today i woke up around 8 to get ready to go practice. then waited for kayleen to come to go. getting there was fast. but it got hot. me and kayleen were super confused and didnt know where to park. but then we finally found a free parking lot and walked until coach pintor just exit and waited for us to drive us to the top. (: thenn we started to run. the bad thing we didnt stretch before we started but its ok cuz im not dying. ahha uhh the hills were so much easier hahah mt sac hills were killers. man almost killed me but these hills were idk nice. i had no trouble. i ran beside coach for the most park while krystal worked her way up top. there was this huge lake where people rented like boats to go out and fish. haha it was pretty dope. we did the whole park like twice and it only turned out to be like 45 mins. it seem so much longer. haha then coach pintor had cookies, water, bananas, and orange juice. haha i like how he buys us food now.
idk prom tonight and it seems like everyone is super excited about it? idk its just prom. but i guess im only saying that cuz i can go next year also. but whatever. it doesnt matter (:
i just hope everyone makes it safe home and nothing stupid happens. no drinking & driving.

Friday, April 17, 2009

day of silence

this week had its ups and downs. the week started off slow but it got faster as time went on. my grades are pretty good i must say. :] & hm. idk but on monday i ran just about an hr or so at decker. idk if i said that on my last blog or not. and andrew came along and he ran with us. which made me super happy (: then yeah tuesday didnt go to practice. wednesday we ran at uhh i dont remember? hahah yesterday we made this super good azn lookin dish but idk how to spell it. but it was super good. i didnt go to practice. i thought there was a pizza sale at winco but it was on wednesday i got subway instead. drove back to school to drop off andrew cuz he had thursday night rehearsal. and dropped adam back home on the way. uhh today we did the speed workout and i am tired. geez idk but my time sucked haha whatever. last track meet next thursday thank goodness. & yeah im super annoyed at the moment sorta. i dont wanna name any names. but danng i really cant take it anymore. cuz i was talking to victoria and so we basically came up with the idea that we should make a youtube channel on youtube and just make random videos and this hoe comes and says that if i dont wanna be in it then i dont needa be thats my problem. wtf. man i came up with this shit. but im not freakin obsessed over it always talking about it. and i seriously think that shes never gonna pay me back. i mean even if its a little bit of money i still want it cuz i dont mind if shes the type of person that would like pay for me if i didnt have any money. shes the type that will never offer and shit. & she always have money to buy donuts from yuong. wtff. :[ i want my money. especially cuz i really dont have any money left. &tomorrow idk if krystal is coming over with some monsters and marshymellows. ahha idk she might go to the dbhs birthday thingy. gonna stay home up to ap testing to study. cuz yeah no more screwing around. imma work my ass off to pass that ap test. i really want to. it was one of my goals and i gotta fufill it. (: practice tomorrow. bloop. long runs are nice. i like it. calms me down from all the stress. well not really i dont have that much stress. just cant stand how annoying she is at the moment but other than that. then im alright.

Monday, April 13, 2009

oh no blisters :[

soo today was super looong but it was alrightt. i didnt have that big of a problem waking up but it was hard to stay awake in class. first period was boring but it was quicker than normally. bio was just going over notes. and yeahh every class was the same. i kinda dont like the stupid teacher we have in precal. hes kinda boring and tries kinda hard to be funny. uhhh practice was long and tiring. ran for about an hr or so. ran to decker and ran for 45 mins on the grass. -_-
yeaah but i had a good dinner :D & now homework? haha hmm idk.
& its ok mara. everything will be fine (: just keep believin. <3

& yes i cant for this year to be over! im super excited for summer. and yeahh junior year is stressful :[

Saturday, April 11, 2009

chubby bunny!

today was funnn.
soo met up with krystal at in n out and ateee. haha dang i was hungry.
thenn we went to chicks & target. got some monsters and then some marshymelllows. and played chubby bunny! and GROSS. i look gross. ahah. it was funn though. then we ended up going to the shoppes again! geez. & we played dress up at forever 21. funn day. (:

aw you miss me? :]

okaaay woke up at 8 and took kayleen to mt sac for our long run. krystal got lost. aah :] but we found her and took her to mt sac. & yeahhh 3 mile run. (: woo accomplished. & i finished one work sheet for bio and antwon is gonna do the other one. woooot. dang what a way to end the week. no stresss. (:
soo me and krystal are gonna go to in n out later. cuz i want in n out again. ahahh im a fatie.
andrew just calllled. after a week. geeez. what a weenie face.
but yes. school is coming close again. and yeah i dont care anymore. i dont mind going to school anymore. i guess.

Friday, April 10, 2009


spring break is practically OVER. and ugh. havent done much productive. i still have homework that i havent done. i havent readd. geez. imma try to get that done tonight.
spring break went by too quickly and im not ready to go back to school. ugh. i hate school.
& i have practive at mt sac tomorrow. i mean running is nice. well after the workout that is. uhh i hope things work out tomorrow. cuz i havent gone out for like 3 days. and it'll be nice to be able to go out tomorrow. cuz i know i wont go anywhere on sunday. gotta procrastinate. :[
uhh this weather kinda sucks. i dont like it. seems like its gonna rain but it didnt. sorta. & it makes me sleepy and lazy. which isnt good. the worksheets for bio are hard and i cant find shit in the book. goshh. but yes things better work out tomorrow or else imma be madd.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


yeah i didnt do good on the SAT too effin embarrassing. anyways. uhhh today i waited for andrew to get home and i went to go pick him up then went to krystal's. i lost weight. i think its cuz i didnt eat all day. but yeahh. then we went to la puente. walked around. then we went to soup plantation and ate. a lot. :] it was nicee. then we went to peterson park and took pictures and just sat there in the rain sorta ish. ahah krystal is an idiot. seriously. ahah funny stuff. & took krystal home. took andrew home. went sorta a long way and saw these really nice houses in philips ranch. haha yeahh. pretty good day. practice tomorrow. blahhh.

Monday, April 6, 2009

im not ready

ahh today has been a long day.
i woke up around 8ish to go to practice at 9.
practice was tiring. i ran for like half an hr or so. & i was dying. then i got home showered and went with my parents somewhere. then i finally went to ashley's party thingy. it was alright i suppose. i was hella annoyed though. then me and adam went to lollicup and walked around the shoppes drinking boba. it was chill. i havent talked to adam for a while. haha & then we went to target and walked around target idk how many times and i finally took him home. and here i am.
time is going by soo slow. haha. SAT scores come in tonight. sorta. im super nervous. :[

Sunday, April 5, 2009

i knew it

last nighttt was entertaining. somewhat. i got jesus to admit to me that he still likes me. not a big surprise actually. i already knew. i was on the phone with tu till like 2 in the morning. talking bout nothing. it was fun. ahha and i went to rose hills yesterday to visit my gpa. its been a while. i miss him. a lot. :[ it took us forever to get there. i drove the lexus. and its a pain the butt. but its a nice e experience.
today i didnt do much either. stayed home and slept. it was nice. and tomorrow. i have practice in the morning -_- & imma go to ashley's afterwards. and maybe hang out with krystal if she gets back early from vegas. yeahh thats the plan for now.

Friday, April 3, 2009


ive been waiting for spring break for a loooong time. !
dang. im so glad. the only hw i have is bio and everything else is just blahh. :] no more projects
no more school for a weeek. danng. its like the last day of school. ahha. buut gotta have plans for this weeek. if not its nice to stay home and sleeep. i really needa catch up on my sleep. like ive been grumpy as fuckk. and everyone is pissing me offf. buut things are all good now.
soo uhh monday was long. so was tuesday. tuesday i had a track meet. los altos are pretty good. haha i came in last :[ buuuut its ok. i didnt care. haha wednesday was alright. yesterday we had another meet at bonita and damn theyre goood. ahha super fast. yeahh today was pretty long too. didnt do much though. the most work i did was in bio ahah. dang i just realized that the ap test is coming up REALLY SOON. omg. im not ready for it. buut my SAT score is coming in soon and im kinda scared to know what i got. but yes spring break is here and im glad.