Monday, April 13, 2009

oh no blisters :[

soo today was super looong but it was alrightt. i didnt have that big of a problem waking up but it was hard to stay awake in class. first period was boring but it was quicker than normally. bio was just going over notes. and yeahh every class was the same. i kinda dont like the stupid teacher we have in precal. hes kinda boring and tries kinda hard to be funny. uhhh practice was long and tiring. ran for about an hr or so. ran to decker and ran for 45 mins on the grass. -_-
yeaah but i had a good dinner :D & now homework? haha hmm idk.
& its ok mara. everything will be fine (: just keep believin. <3

& yes i cant for this year to be over! im super excited for summer. and yeahh junior year is stressful :[

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