Friday, April 24, 2009

yessss weeeekend!

i didnt go to practice for a weeek. including the track meet. i failed my bio test. like real bad. but i can get my grade up hopefully. uhh didnt go to practice either today and i went to jade's house instead. she made me pancakes. it was good. but i was already so full. my goodness. & then we watched lion king and i almost fell asleep. jade fell asleep. ahahh
then we decided to go to winco to buy some chocolate to make some chocolate covered strawberries. it didnt come out so great. but it was delicious. ahha came home workout for a little. showered and here i am (:
nice day i must say. just hope i didnt fail my spanish test. (:
this weeek was pretty bad for me but im glad its over with. & yess i can sleep in. hopefully :]

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