Sunday, March 8, 2009

asdkljasdfklasdfj ONCE AGAIN!

today i was suppose to go to the shoppes and get pinkberry with krystal & take my brother to target to buy his crap. buuuuut nope. i waited for my mom to go to 99 ranch and stuff to buy her stuff and krystal was already checking out when we got there and she disappeared and i kept calling her but she didnt answer so i was like uh ok then. when she finally called back she was already home -_- so o well. i came home and pigged out and watched magic school bus <3 i miss that show. ahah uhhhh yeahhh. SATs saturday. track meet thursday & sadies friday. er. too much. buut yeaaah gonna chill after SATs i think? idk maybe. & last night outta nowhere chloe IMed me asking me to go to the movies with her so i did and we watched caroline. pretty good movie i must say. good effects. i liked it a lot. tim burton is amazing.

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