Monday, April 4, 2011

first post for 2011.
its almost summer again. ive been walking through my memory lane for quite some time now. this summer is going to be different. i dont talk to half the people i talked to last summer and when im home it feels like nothing has changed. although deep down i know that everything has changed, i cant help but feel like everything is going to go back to how it use to be. as much as i wish to be able to relive those memories i know it would hurt a lot more than do me good.
last summer was amazing. i dont think words can really describe how much fun it was and how many people i met and grew close to. it still trips me out how fast time is going. i remember vividly judy and i sitting outside her house on the curb 11 o clock at night and talking about our problems. mainly boys of course. thats how we grew close. i also remember how excited we were to move in together in college and how much fun its going to be to be away from our parents. meeting new people, boys specifically. and now? first year of college is already coming to it's end in about 3 months. i think its crazy how things just kinda flew by and i still wonder where did all the time go. i cant help but feel scared. im scared to know whats going to happen in the future. im scared to grew up and have a million more responsibilities. as im sitting here reminiscing, im listening to a year or two old playlist i made that exemplify all my thoughts and feelings at that time. now...these songs have almost no meaning to me, but it does bring back memories.

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