Sunday, November 30, 2008

my goodness hes hott

today me and krystal went to la puente and saw twilight. omg hes so hottt. but other than that the movie was good too. dang. i wanna go watch it again.
we walked around for a bit and we got lazy and sat down and talked about how fun knotts was ahha. mm today was goood.
i like it a lot. edward is super hott. my goodness.
blah school tomorrow. i havent even started my essay. idk what to write about either. blah gonna procrastinate tomorrow. gotta go to the nhs and csf thingy. blah. lame
hm. thats about it.
wooop good day.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

how do you put this on?

so today krystal came over and we went to 99 ranch and bought some food then we went to the shoppes. met up with andrew and we were looking at the world's record book. pretty crazy stuff. then we went to pac sun i got something we looked around aero and ummm went into hollister. & h&m and krystal was being dumb as usual and couldnt decide what she wanted. at the end she didnt get the jacket. thennn we walked to target. got starbucks then we wanted some animal style fries at in n out cuz krystal never had it before -_- but we ended up just going to tillys and i wanted a seat belt belt. i looked at the wallets pretty small so now i gotta go hunting for one again. we went to anchor blue and looked around. yep thats about it. pretty lame but it was fun. im tired. and im dying in pain.

Friday, November 21, 2008

i peed in there!

well all this weeek hasnt been great. i basically failed 2 tests. but i did good on my presentation for spanish :] and im pretty sure i did ok on the history test? idk hopefully i kinda need it. well as for pre cal i had a b+ and now it probably went down cuz of the stupid test i took today. er so hard. i hate pre cal. its been so stressing and stuff. er. but im so glad that i finally have a week off!
this morning i took kayleen and her bro to school. kayleen said my driving was good. but not to my mom. she was scared. ahahah. then we got to the bridge. and andrew was right behind us. and i looked into the rear view mirror and saw him he had like a huge smile on his face :]
ahahah what a weenieeee.
then after school i went to the ortho and omg it took forever. i was like the last one and i was also the fastest. they just took a look changed my colors and i left. traffic was horrible and i barely got home in time to go to the play with victoria, adam & bianca. the play was pretty good. i thought it was gonna suck but i was surprised about millie and that other chick in my chem class last year. like they had a different side and i was shocked to see it. then we went out to carls jr and ate. ahha it was funny. we were so loud and the people working there just looked at us like wtf. then we didnt know where else to go but we didnt wanna go home so we went to the shoppes parking lot and sat there trying to decide where to go. but then we just went into barnes and nobels cuz victoria had to pee and we got in there and we passed by the hand motion paper thingy and it came out and it scared all of us. ahahha then afterwards we just played with it.
we came outta the bathroom and adam was done and wanted for us. i turned the corner and he was like hey and i screamed. ahahha it was so random. but yeeeah. pretty good way to end the week. :]
im ready for thanksgiving. wooot.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


i swear every little thing is annoying me so badly. everyone is annoying me so badly over little things they do and i cant take it. im so annoyed and stressed out all at the same fuckin time. and i dont complain to anyone cuz im sure people are tired of hearing it. im tired of saying the same thing over and over. idk. its like some people continues to talk forever and ever. and never shuts up! wtf. and then others cant take hints. i wanna take a break from you but you dont understand and you just make it worse. i hate the fact that people brag so much about something little. bragging itself pisses me off. i hate it when people brag just cuz they got a little accomplishment. no im not putting you down or anything but you dont need to continue rubbing it in my face for like 5 whole mins. geeez. fuck man i swear people either dont listen or cant take hints.
i havent gotten enough sleep all week soo im super grumpy. im ready for the break now. a break from school.
w/e im tired of this.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

its been a while

its been a while since ive updated. well nothing really new except im hella sleepy. i was stressing so much this past weekend cuz i had to do 2 essays. the crucible was nothing but the jungle ugh. i stayed up till like 1 30 on sunday helping andrew with his essay and looking up quotes for him and during that time tu asked me to send her my essay for the crucible. i did and she told me that bianca had the exact same essay i did. i read it and omg i was pissed. i was like wtff omg. imma get caught. i still think i am but ugh. i cant believe she would do that. i mean if youre gonna copy at least be smart about it and not leave it the same. even if you add some extra words its still obvious that its the same paragraph. she took 3 outta 5 paragraphs from me. oo man i was pissed. and then my jungle essay is a piece of crap. its the worst essay ive ever written. but whatever its the end.
monday i went to adam's house and we were suppose to work on our spanish project which is due on thursday including the skit that i havent started on for english. er so much freakin projects. and today i just failed my spanish test. i keep forgetting which im suppose to do the stem changing on. er. i hate how there are so many tense in spanish with different conjucations that we must remember. but w/e i got it down.
and today im super tired. i hate my first period. i always yawn in there and he sees me tooo. blah.
i havent learned a thing in bio. imma fail my next test. afterschool i tutored krystal in spanish and went over the pre cal that i taught her on sunday. so now im down to 3 more h rs of tutoring and im done. im so tired of school. i cant wait till thanksgiving. maaaan. im reading to eat. im eating too much now. i think im gaining weight again. er.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

omg bitch

adam came over today so we can do our spanish project we're not done but yeah
so i just took adam home right now and when i was on my way home this stupidass mexican bitch tried to change into my lane but like i was already next to her cuz this other bitch changed into my lane the last min so i was waiting for him to get outta my way and then this mexican bitch comes and tries to change into my lane and i was RIGHT NEXT TO HER ASS. she didnt even fuckin signal

Friday, November 14, 2008

homework is a drag

so i have a lot of hw this weekend and i havent really started. well my essay for the crucible is like half finished? sorta. i havent done my history at all. but i still probably tomorrow after i finish up my crucible essay tonight. idk cuz adam is coming over tomorrow i think for our spanish project.
today i went to kayleen's house
it was pretty chill. we watched kung fu panda and ate grapes. and i ate dinner at her house. it was super good :] my stomach was so big after i came home. i normally dont eat that much.
but yeah overall im good. except the hw part. er.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


it wouldve been one year and two months today. its nice to think back sorta.
well today i was so tired. i was on the phone with adam for over 3 hrs last night and i didnt charge my phone and my phone died today during school ugh it sucked. but its all good i got an A- on my ap bio test. woooot. im so happy now i have 3 a's and 3 b's its still bad but im on my way. woot. finally. idk i hope i still have an A in history. blahh
hm. im so tired i feel like knocking out early tonight. & i got a haircut. i look so weird. :[
i cant wait for my hair to grow back. i lost weight again. im 100 now. idk it doesnt seem like it cuz i look the same. but idk. its hard to believe. wth. im losing so much weight and i dont do anything anymore cuz im too lazy. i seriously didnt wanna wake up today for school but ughhhh. im tired & i want this week to be over. im ready for the weekend. nothing is good right now. i hope things get better.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

"okay bye bye"

ahhaha well ive gotta say that today was pretty tight. first off andrew was being so stupid last night and he couldnt talk right cuz he was half asleep on the phone with me last night so idk it was funny to mee. but today i didnt do much. i tried to study for the SAT that didnt work out. i didnt study for bio either. ugh.
i went to a bbq with bianca and her sister for hassan's campaign today. it was pretty funny cuz bianca and i kept kinda teasing nancy of hassan. ahah and when hassan saw us of course he hugged nancy but then he hugged me and bianca which was awkward cuz i didnt expect it. so we ate and idk the carne asada was hard. and i couldnt cut it. haha then right before we left this guy who made a joke about "mexican express card" was talking about kung fu movies back in the day and how he was running away from some black guys and he hopped over a wall. haha idk it was so random cuz hassan was like hey you would never guess what jacky's last name is and yeah they started talking about bruce less and then jackie chan and yeeah. idk it was funny. and outta nowhere hassan hugged bianca cuz he thought we were leaving. well technically he was trying to make us leave. it was a nicer way i suppose. and when we were finally gonna leave he gave all 3 of us a hug and bianca was rubbing it in nancy's face bout the 3 hugs she got from hassan cuz she only recieved 2. ahahha funny stuff. yep. good day. sorta. haha

Saturday, November 8, 2008

bad timing once again

well today i went to the shoppes with chloe and got pinkberry
and afterward we went to the spectrum and ate mexican food. it wasnt that great. but it was alright.
ive gotta say that me and andrew have really bad timing this year. like i was at the shoppes and right after i left he went. idk. things are just a bit off. but hopefully when our timing gets better hey who knows what can happen right?
i seriously needa study for bio which i kinda did already.
my mom finally fixed the car and now its soo much smoother to drive. mm chloe drove me home today. and yeah no comment. ahha
today was alright. i kinda wish things turned out differently though. cuz andrew was suppose to come over but didnt cuz he was "busy" and then mara was down in pomona but her dad was being mean and didnt wanna drop her off at pinkberry. and when i was gonna go pick her up at lowes she couldnt go cuz i was gonna go to chloe's house which i didnt end up going to. & then tomorrow imma go to the bbq for hassan's campeign thingy. ugh i really needa study. i kinda wish we just got monday off might as well. i dont wanna go to school on monday and then get off on tuesday.
oo and at the spectrum we were walking towards walmart and outta nowhere BAM TU WAS THERE WITH JENNETT. i was like wthh and then i was screaming across the street at tu and jennett was just there like doggin us i was like wth is her problem. calmate. idk you dont see that often. it was just very awkward.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

daylight saving isnt saving me

dang im soo tired. ever since that daylight saving i havent gotten enough sleep. i feel more tired than usual. well obama won woot.
but i dont know why people still talk about it. i mean its over. mccain lost by a lot. theres nothing to argue about.
but overall ive gotta say things have gotten better. except ive been getting annoyed so easily lately.
ehhhh idk. its not the best but w/e im tired. and im ready for thankgiving break. i just wanna sleep.

Monday, November 3, 2008

call you tonight

i feel like a little kid again. every time i see him my heart beats fast and when i see him i smile a lot. idk i think im going crazy seriously. today was much better than last week. nothing much to look forward to but hey its much better than stress. i like this kinda weather it feels nice. every day seems so much longer now. idk to me it feels like it. i really miss sophomore year. like a lot. it was so much easier. no stress. no problems.
first period was so boring. i hate it. it seriously puts me to sleep. i hate history.
2nd period. bio notes. blah
3rd period. math. i hate pre cal i have hw too ughh.
4th period. watched the crucible.
5th period. spanish teacher wasnt here. i didnt get to take my test. ugh.
6th period. took forever.
after school i felt so stupid. freakin paden was calling me when i was walking with andrew to the front. and when he did i walked faster. and i just ignored him. then we got to the front and bianca and jade came and i told them the story and jade was like dude paden is right there. i was like aw shit. and they just all laughed at me. freakin andrew never told me. i threw my spanish book at him and now i feel bad. :[ blahhh. imh.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


last night was alright. wasnt that bad. except i was soo ughh annoyed cuz chloe and krystal has been on my back about halloween since the beginning of the week and then jade just add on to it. blahh im so glad the week is over. seriously. im so tired. its finally november. i want thanksgiving break already.
im ready for a break and i think i deserve it. im so tired of school and people.
everyone is soo blahh lately.