Thursday, November 20, 2008


i swear every little thing is annoying me so badly. everyone is annoying me so badly over little things they do and i cant take it. im so annoyed and stressed out all at the same fuckin time. and i dont complain to anyone cuz im sure people are tired of hearing it. im tired of saying the same thing over and over. idk. its like some people continues to talk forever and ever. and never shuts up! wtf. and then others cant take hints. i wanna take a break from you but you dont understand and you just make it worse. i hate the fact that people brag so much about something little. bragging itself pisses me off. i hate it when people brag just cuz they got a little accomplishment. no im not putting you down or anything but you dont need to continue rubbing it in my face for like 5 whole mins. geeez. fuck man i swear people either dont listen or cant take hints.
i havent gotten enough sleep all week soo im super grumpy. im ready for the break now. a break from school.
w/e im tired of this.

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