Tuesday, November 18, 2008

its been a while

its been a while since ive updated. well nothing really new except im hella sleepy. i was stressing so much this past weekend cuz i had to do 2 essays. the crucible was nothing but the jungle ugh. i stayed up till like 1 30 on sunday helping andrew with his essay and looking up quotes for him and during that time tu asked me to send her my essay for the crucible. i did and she told me that bianca had the exact same essay i did. i read it and omg i was pissed. i was like wtff omg. imma get caught. i still think i am but ugh. i cant believe she would do that. i mean if youre gonna copy at least be smart about it and not leave it the same. even if you add some extra words its still obvious that its the same paragraph. she took 3 outta 5 paragraphs from me. oo man i was pissed. and then my jungle essay is a piece of crap. its the worst essay ive ever written. but whatever its the end.
monday i went to adam's house and we were suppose to work on our spanish project which is due on thursday including the skit that i havent started on for english. er so much freakin projects. and today i just failed my spanish test. i keep forgetting which im suppose to do the stem changing on. er. i hate how there are so many tense in spanish with different conjucations that we must remember. but w/e i got it down.
and today im super tired. i hate my first period. i always yawn in there and he sees me tooo. blah.
i havent learned a thing in bio. imma fail my next test. afterschool i tutored krystal in spanish and went over the pre cal that i taught her on sunday. so now im down to 3 more h rs of tutoring and im done. im so tired of school. i cant wait till thanksgiving. maaaan. im reading to eat. im eating too much now. i think im gaining weight again. er.

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