Monday, December 22, 2008

now what

i got money. outta nowhere. idk surprise surprise. yesterday andrew left to retreat. i dont think he was planning to call at all. but we did talk. i hate that fact that he lies over the stupidest things just so he doesnt needa talk to me. blahhhh. i think i did something but idk what that is. and its making me mad. i went to krystal's house yesterday cuz i had nothing better to do. we watched i am legend and played speed & california speed, double speed, or w/e people call it. and we ate egg rolls and dumplings. haha it was pretty chill. today i didnt do anything. i went to pay bills with my mom and went to walmart and target. bought some stuff and came home. talked to angela and it was nice. its nice to know that shes happy. well happier than she was before. ups and downs thats how it is. um. idk what im doing tomorrow. but yeah 2 more days & he comes back.

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