Tuesday, June 16, 2009

hell yeahh

tomorrow is the last day. FINALLY. im practically done with my finals. just gotta present tomorrow for bio which im kinda not prepared for. i feel like my presentation is too short. :[
buuut im happy cuz i have 5 a's pretty much. YES. its IMPOSSIBLE to get an A for bio.
but whateverr.
so today was whatever. im so glad i dont have mr power anymore. geez and pre cal was good. just took the test. it was pretty easy. i didnt use a calculator. ahah super beast.
ahah anyways. spanish test freakin aced that ishh. idk maybe. but i have an a- now soo im super happy. like i was screaming. ahah im a nerd. i know.
then after school me and adam went job hunting. cuz he needs a job for job exp? something like that i forgot.
but yes i really wanna work at barnes and nobles now. ahah i thought about it and it would be pretty cool. so liana said they were hiring at pinkberry and i was like agh i dont wanna work there cuz of this chick that works there and so we go in to ask for applications cuz adam wanted one. and wow she was in there. she looked at me with that sarcastic smile and asked if i wanted yogurt. psh. whatever.

ahh im super excited for tomorrow. last day of school. dang imma be so fat. we're gonna have a potluck at lunch and imma have a party right afterwards. geez. im sucha fatass. aha
but its also andrew's birthday. woo do i have a surprise for him ;]
too bad he wont be home cuz hes going to the graduation. ahha.
but yeahh im full and i feel fat again.
i ate subway. and it took me forever to pick out a birthday card for andrew. geez. so indecisive.
my brother isnt any help -_-
but overall goood dayy. ive been in a really good mood lately. aahha

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