Monday, June 8, 2009

oo mondays

mondays always feel so long.
first period. watched malcolm x. i really like that movie. pretty intense stuff. & im pretty surprised they didnt talk about the lakers game. dang super intense stuff right there. im so mad that i missed all the good shots cuz i was working on my research paper. i got 16% plagerized. which isnt bad. i expected it to be less though. since i bsed so much of it. ahhah
2nd period. people presented and yeahh nothing really.
3rd period. i presented. i thought i was ready but i guess not and just had a horrible presentation. i can careless though cuz i will end up with an A at the end anyways ahha. that class is a joke.
lunch was whatever. i was doing a magic trick on jade and kayleen. kayleen caught on. shes super smart but jade on the other hand.. ahha
4th period. didnt do much. just did grammar. and uhh gotta do the quote thingy probably tomorrow. lol
5th period didnt do much. just sat around and signed yearbooks. i have an oral final tomorrow. blahh i hate spanish. ahha
6th period. didnt do much. failed my final that i didnt care about. still have an A whateverr.
uhh yeah pretty long and tiring day. im happy. i just ate in n out. lol i REALLY need to stop eating fast food. :[ its so unhealthy. and ive been eating out for a few days now.
jade's birthday is coming up. so is andrew's. dang i feel like i have so much to do. but im too lazy to do it. ahha i STILL have to work on my presentation for biology. which i actually care about. cuz it will bump me up to a B-. i neeeed it.
but overall i hope this week will be good.
i LOVE adam's haircut. he finally did it. im so glad. geeeeeeeeeez. and yeah
brother has a concert tonight. gonna watch him. blahh. i need to start running soon.

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