Saturday, January 24, 2009

adam is lame

so im talking to adam and hes saying that blogs are lame. which isnt true cuz it helps me keep track of memories somewhat. today i waited for my mother to come home with the car soo i can go out. krystal came over just when my mom came home. and her mom was pissed haha. freakin krystal. anyways. we went to the shoppes cuz its my brother's birthday & then we met up with andrew and jade. thennn we just talked, walked around, and played paper rock scissors. -_-. thennn we went to carls jr. ate. and man we were the loudest ones in there. we were laughing at my brother. ahahah idiot. then we went to target and couldnt find anything. took a few pictures and decided to leave. so i took andrew home the long way. idk hes stupidd. then got gas and went back home. overall today was good. & then we played rock band and krystal couldnt play the drums cuz she had no rhythm to anything. yeep tomorrow gonna clean and stuff. & then monday is chinese new year. i thought tomorrow was chinese new year but its only chinese new years eve. (: yeee.
amy's birthday tomorrow. ahah freakin old maaan. things are getting betterr thats fersuree :]

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