Sunday, January 4, 2009


ok so on friday i went ice skating with yuong, kayleen, her bro, steven and his "date" which was some dude -_-. adam couldnt go cuz he didnt have a ride so it kinda sucked. but overall it was pretty good. it was better than i thought which was goood. im still sore and stuff. i got a bruise and a blister. idk how. i guess it was probably the skates but w/e. uhh yesterday i went to cue with andrew, krystal, & adam. it was andrew's and adam's first time so it was pretty funny. we took some pretty funny pictures. except i really sucked at decorating them. -_- then we went to costco to wait for krystal to get her pizza and idk me andrew and adam just sat there and talked yeep. thenn we went to hometown buffet and ate. hahah it was goood. i was so full that i woke up this morning still full. and last night i didnt get hungry so that was good. so im done with my project while everyone else is procrastinating. HAH. yes. im so glad im done. so now i can finally finish up twilight cuz krystal is already done with it. and yeahh. im done with my nhs & csf hrs. woot. thanks to krystal <3. last night was freakin trippy. i was so confused. i stayed at krystal's house until my mom was home from the wedding to come pick me up. so i waited and waited. i called her and she started yelling at me saying the cops wont let her into the house. soo i was confused. but yeah. then krystal's mom gave me a ride home. i came home and finally found out what happened. it wasnt that big of a deal really. its not as bad as it sounds. but fersure my bro was pretty brave. i mean if i was stuck in a situation like that i wouldnt know what to do. hm. but overall break was pretty chill actually. i got some money from working with krystal and her bro at her dad's market on new years. and it was fun but yeah my back started to hurt since we kept bending down to count stuff. haha. and now i gotta save my moneyy. woot. im finally gonna get my license this month. i just hope i pass my first try. idk something stupid might happen i suppose. school tomorrow. i really dont know how im suppose to wake up. every day ive been waking up past noon. and sleeping at like 2 or 3 in the morning cuz i stay up all night on the phone. hahah. i think im FINALLY over it. well for now. idk im not sure. but im so much more mean to him than usual. but we'll seee what happens. & now im hoping that 09 will be goood.

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