Saturday, February 28, 2009

ok so i went to krystals around 4ish. and then we ran 3 laps. then called up stephen. not really we texted him and we walked to his house and found him riding his long board along with michael, steven and some other guy idk. it was fun. it took us forever to get up that hill though. and stephen didnt think we'd make it. but we did.! krystal rode the long board (: it was fun. then we walked back and krystal fed me yay. i didnt gain weight. and ive been eating a lot lately. woot. today was funn.


dang i was soo bored last night. i was on the phone with tu till like 2. talking bout random things. BUUUT shes gonna burn me magic school bus. dang i miss that show. it was so bomb. umm. idk my stomach kinda hurts. but im still gonna run today. after krystal comes home from picking her dad up at the airport. people are bugging me AGAIN. im trying to hard not to let it get to me. but i feel like i cant handle it anymore. most of the time im just quiet now. i dont even know what to say. i dont wanna end up yelling at them and stuff. cuz at this point i dont wanna lose anyone on the way. everything is very stressful now. ap tests. cst i guess. and SATs. imma take it in less than like a month and im not even ready. ay fail. buut i will attempt to study. hopefully i score decent. & i just lost my train of thought. er. o well. i'll write more later. maybe.

Friday, February 27, 2009

something is better than nothing

soo this week has been alright i suppose. um i did kinda bad on my ap bio exam. but i still have a b- which isnt bad. but i honestly dont know my spanish grade. uh things are kinda chill today. i didnt have practice. so i stayed in ms chiu's room with krystal and kayleen came in later on after practice. and we were just listening to all these chinese music on ms chiu's ipod. ahah thenn i was suppose to meet up with irvin at lollicup but he never text back so i thought he wasnt gonna go. and ms chiu wanted to go out and eat and stuff. hahah so we went to lollicup and saw irvin there. so he went afterall. i didnt think he was gonna go but he was there with crystal and he was surprised to see so many people. then i talked to irvin and crystal for a bit but then they left. so me, krystal, kayleen, and ms chiu sat there talking about school. ahah i never thought i'd go to lollicup with a teacher. hahah which is awkward. but it was chill. & tuesday im not gonna do the speed workout woot. gonna help ms chiu grade papers. ahahah yee.
i needa run though this weekend. probably with krystal. if she runs. but we'll see.

Monday, February 23, 2009

yeah sure

practice was alright today. i thought it was gonna rain so i didnt bring my stuff to school so i drove bianca home to get her stuff and i went home and changed got back to school just before they were gonna start. we stretched and did a 2 lap warm up thingy and then we ran back and forth and we finally ran for 20 mins. me and krystal did good today since we barely even stopped. we ran most of it and we were pushing bianca. hahah idk but i feel fat now cuz i just ate after i worked out. but school was alright i guess. 2nd period went by soo slowww. i dont even understand what we're doing right now in bio like im not paying attention and we have a test thursday? and by the end of the week we have a history test. my grades are pretty good. 4 a's 1 b and a c? idk what i have in spanish. umm. lunch i was pretty annoyed actually. jade kept throwing orange peels at andrew and they kept throwing it at each other it got pretty annoying. and thenn 4th period was alright. we watched a movie about mark twain. it killed time. i didnt do my essay. like no one did. 5th period we did a poster thingy explaining the steps for conjucation. 6th period was hella slow. idk so lame. buut i guess overall it was a decent day. i just hope it gets a little better later. cuz idk. practice was the only good part actually.

btw. i do NOT drive fast. like at all. i dont see how people get that idea. just cuz you drive slow doesnt mean i drive fast.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

what is 69?

krystal honestly didnt know what that meant. wooow. buuut anyways
i was hella pissy last night. so i went to go watch andrew and my brother play at garey and andrew did super well like usual and my brother i have no idea how he got a superior. they pretty much sucked. idk i was so surprised. then later i went to petco and bought some stuff for lucky cuz his skin is itchy and ish. idk whats wrong but its so sad. :[
then i got my tire changed and waited for krystal to come and we went to monclair to shop and stuff. i saw a bunch of people yesterday. and thenn we met up with andrew at the shoppes.
we played hide n seek and he NEVER found us and he just gave up. which kinda piss me off cuz then hes like oo come find me instead. wth. but i found him easily so whatever. but my legs hurt real bad and i couldnt walk so i told him to carry him and he wouldnt so i was like wow jerk. so me and krystal left him again and went to this little market and then tj. after we walked out we ran into them again and we left again cuz he was being a total jerk so me and krystal ended up eating johnny rocket ourselves. it was pretty funny cuz dang krystal was hella loud. ahhahah. shes dirty too. dang. ovulating or what? idk whats her problem. ahhah afterwards we sat there and decided to watch the water change colors. it always make me feel better. until those little kids started playing in it so we left and krystal has to pee so we went into barnes and nobles again. and once again we saw them. and we just stood there looking at books and messing with the touch screen computer and we ended up in this romance section and it has some pretty interesting pictures. idk i think it was stupid. then we went into the sexual and relationship section cuz krystal didnt know what 69 was and she wanted to know and no one wanted to tell her. so we were all there and this old white lady kept looking at us as we were looking through the books it was so awkward. she looked at us and smiled. awkwarddd. but yeah then we ended up in the jokes section and they were reading these stupidass jokes. it wasnt very funny. until they came across this yo momma joke book which was a little better. thenn i took krystal home and it was dead quiet in the car. cuz i was in a bad mood and she knew it and didnt say anything. yep then i fell asleep on the phone with tu after i complained to her about everything. anddd yeah. he never called either. dumb hoe. but whatever now i have nothing else to do but homework.
im still hella sore but im feeling a little better. im so glad its gonna rain tomorrow so i dont needa go to practice. cuz i think i need at least another 2 days for me to get better. i cant even run hahaha. i walk like krystal. :[
i hope this week it gets better. & im not even read for SATs and its coming up quick. and i needa get my ap paper fixed. it says im hispanic? -_-

Saturday, February 21, 2009


sometimes i wish i can spend more time with certain people. but it just doesnt seem like timing is right. it was nice to see people at garey high school today. i havent seen them for sucha long time. and like it was just awkward. we didnt have much to talk about. its just weird. some of them remember me and some doesnt. and its just sad cuz we were once close and now when they walk past me they cant even recognize me. but hey whatever. haha

i really miss him. like a lottttt. i wanna spend more time with him but i feel like i cant cuz hes so busy and stuff. and it just makes me sad. and im so glad that i FINALLY joined a sport cuz now its going to kill more time. and yeah. idk today was alright i suppose. i actually have plans. i guess we're going to go shop for sadies and then go get pinkberry. cuz im craving for pinkberry cuz of sarah's myspace. ahaha.

& new semester. well its been a new semester and im proud of myself cuz my grades are actually pretty good. i only have like 1 bad grade. i think idk what my spanish grade is and ap bio im doing pretty well.

march is coming up fast and im nowhere near ready for the SATs and sadies is coming up. oo gosh. i dont even know if stephen is going anymore. and if he really doesnt go then it just makes it easier for me. but if he does go then o well. i dont wanna leave kayleen and krystal hanging. but im sure things will turn out finee.

Friday, February 20, 2009


its just that bad. im like freakin limping. HAHAH. BUT im actually getting a workout.
the warm up lap was nothing today. but then everything after that was HORRIBLE. we had to do these jumping exercises in the sand. and omgg it was hard. it hurt like hell. & tomorrow gonna watch my brother and andrew at solo ensemble. and uhh might go shopping for sadies. idk if i wanna go anymore. im so lazy. hahahah wow. but yeeeah. thats it. im too sore to even move. geez.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

epic fail

if i had one thing to say to one person it would be FAIL FAIL FAIL !
mara knows why (:
i really feels nice to talk to mara again. i guess she was busy with her soccer stuff and homework. and since she has a week off (dumb hoe) she gets to talk to meee (:
anyways. um. im really really tired. i went to practice today for the first time and damn im TIRED. yesss. but i feel great. cuz its a really good workout even though i felt like dying at that moment. but im glad that the coach was pushing us. helping us to get better? idk its only the first day. i cant handle it. haha but i hope i get better. buuut chocolate milk makes it all better (:
but yeah im tired. and i dont think i have hw. cuz i think i finished it. thank goodness. and i think thats it. yep. im in a better mood today. woot.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

liar liar pants on fire

hanging from a telephone wire.
soo today was pretty decent. two people i knew asked boys to sadies which was interesting. i guess the only things that made my day was jade actually taking the time to make me hot chocolate and giving it to me at school. & chris tucker (: i miss her. i havent talked to her for like a while and i feel like ive been missin out on A LOT. idk things are just so aghh right now. and im kinda glad that andrew called last night and we talked for a whole hr or so. and then i was texting chan and adam sortaish. didnt tutor today but imma go to practice tomorrow. pay for my ish. and start tutoring again. i think my grades are pretty decent. except in spanish. i think im failing? o well it'll go up hopefully.

lying is so stupid. I HATE LIARS. seriously. it pisses me off when people switch up the story to make themselves sound right. and some people are just BAD at lying. its just so obviously and they think they can get away with it. they cant. everyone can see it but no one cares that much obviously. & another thing that bugs me is that people are such hypocrites. i guess everyone is though. but still if you say youre not gonna do something then do it! dont go around telling everyone "oo yeah i dont do this anymore" and then do it. its just STUPID. and people who brag about EVERYTHING are just losers. seriously. why are you gonna brag? just cuz you THINK youre so good at it? but in reality youre probably not as good as you think you are? wth man. FAIL. you probably just wanna make yourself feel better i suppose. i mean if youre really that good you dont needa brag about it people will know themselves and point out "oo yeah youre good" i dont understand people. i dont understand boys.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

silence is golden

today was by far one of the worst school days EVER. it had its ups but most of the time ive been downn. i didnt talk to him ALL day cuz i decided that i'll stop talking to him and stuff. but idk it felt horrible. its so hard to NOT talk to him. i didnt realize that talking to him mad me so happy. i dont know i have too much in mind. irvin's birthday is tomrorow and i was gonna bake him cupcakes but decided not to cuz things just came up. family problems. boy problems. ugh i dont know what to do. i dont like this. and i dont think imma go to sadies anymore. idk SATs the next day just kills it. idk things are just.. ugh.. horrible..

Monday, February 16, 2009


i fuckin hate my parents. theyre so fuckin useless and shit. fuck man. always think theyre fuckin right when theyre not and they always fuckin think that everything for us is so fuckin easy. fuck that shit. you think fuckin school is so easy? she fuckin swears everything i fuckin do only consists of going out. wtf. man she fuckin makes it sound like i dont give a fuck about school. fuck man i cant wait to fuckin go to college fuck that shit. ugh stupid fuckin piece of shit. fuck my life.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

too worked up about nothing

well im glad the sun is out today. its a very nice day. (: hm. today i woke up and went to go get my physical. and i lost 3 lbs. idk how cuz i ate so much yesterday. ahha weird. anyways. umm. i havent done much but washed my car and it took forever. hahah and it still looks crappy. geez. i dont have plans this weekend. so imma just stay home and sleeeep. cuz i dont think we're gonna have another break till spring break in april. which is a while from now. hmm. im super excited for march. not really just for sadies cuz i wanna go to knotts. haha & thenn SATs boo. i havent studied yet. but i think i should soon. im actually gonna go to practice on tuesday so imma be super sore. blahh.
but things are pretty chill right now. im kinda excited for tuesday. idk. krystal might come over today if her mom gets home in time. i suppose. other than that thats all for today. oo and its valentine's day. even though it doesnt feel like it. cuz i really dont care about it? haha idk i think its dumb but i really like candy (: victoria made some bomb ass cupcakes on friday haha mmm. and i got some other stuff from bianca and thats it. valentine's day is just whatever. haa especially cuz i never have a valentine but its ok. & i really want unlimited texting hahah. (:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

im so glad things worked out just fine (:

okaayyy so today i asked him to sadies. ms olsen thought it was cute cuz hes cute and smart -_- which i highly doubt. but she thought that i made a good choice which made me feel a little better. so in the morning i gave notes to his teachers to give to him when he has that class but ms nguyen messed up or something and never gave it to him and told him that she doesnt have it. so that kinda messed things up. but then at the end everything turned out fine. and a simple question was all it took. i shouldve just asked him straight out i suppose. with no creativity? haha lame. but mine was kinda cheesy. ahhah but his best friend told me he was super excited cuz he knew automatically someone was asking him to sadies. ahha aw (:
uhm. i hope things work out later on when sadies comes closer. andd i really needa study for SATs cuz i have it the next day after sadies -_-. bummer

oh & i dont understand why people talk about others behind their back so much its ridiculous. they talk about them as if they know them so well but in reality they dont. and its just annoying. no one wants to be talked about but everyone does it to others making it seem like its ok. and as for me if im talking shit about you you'll probably hear it from me. but i dont do it often really. it kinda just annoys me. actually. idk i guess its just high school and thats what everyone does. GOSSIP. they talk about it even if its not true. they dont care i suppose. especially girls. its like all girls want drama or something. ( got it from 'hes just not that into you') they make it seem like they understand them and make everything that a person does seem so negative. hah.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


ive been addicted to that stupid game for the past week. dang. :[ thats so sad.
ummmm. lets seee. i didnt do anything over the weekend cuz of the rain and my mom didnt want me to drive around in the rain. but on monday i finally got the car so i drove to krystal's and we went to la puente to meet up with andrew. it was fun. and we watched hes just not that into you. i liked it a lot. (: ahhah me and krystal cried. WOW. LAME. KRYSTAL FINALLY GOT TEXTING. dang about time.
ugh i hate the cold weather right now. its too cold :[ and its freezing in just about every single class. its so sad. mr power is crazy. he doesnt even bother to turn on the heater. it was colder in his class than outside. then mr anderson was nice enough to turn it on and it finally worked! its not broken anymore! and i got a B on my first exam wooooot. (: i should really study more though.
hmmmm. soo my grades are actually pretty good. haha im so happy that im not failing bio like i did in the beginning of first semester.
i think thats it. ? o i can finally see nadine again. :] i havent seen her for a while. haha shes so adorable.
and um.. idk people are kinda annoying me right now. cuz like they always misunderstand all the things i do or say seriously. idk. people try so hard but for what? you dont needa try that hard to talk to someone. just talk i suppose? and if they dont wanna talk to you then O WELL move on. friends come and go. and i really hate that but its true. and if because its true just deal with it i suppose. theres not much you can do about it. stop chasing after them and let them go.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

i know ive been holding back

dang. i dont like how it rains every other hour. & right now theres sun? uh okayy. yesterday i went to active to get my lanyard. but they didnt have anymore so me and kayleen went to sport chalet and looked for running shoes. we didnt find anything we wanted sooo we went to marshalls? anddd. thenn we walked to big 5. nothing was there either. so we left and went to khol's. it took us forever to find a pair of shoes that were decent price. then i went to another active and bought the lanyard. blahh. looong week. loong day. its only 1:22. blahh
im soo boredddd & krystal is at the airport right now. i wanna go out but there is nowhere to go. im actually READING. ugh.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

i almost had you

school is longer every single day. biology is soo long. all we do is take notes and since yesterday i didnt pay attention im completely lost today. blahh. everything is so repetitive. wake up go to school come home from school eat. sleep. those are the basic routines. i seriously want something new. something for me to look foward to. something that makes me want to go to school. im so tired of it. i just wish that things werent so boring. i think too much. i suppose. well at night at least. like i said its only the times when im alone with no one to talk to that i think a lot. i really wish i didnt cuz it just makes me sad. and i guess lately ive been mood swinging a lot more lately? i dont even know. at school im normally alright but its the times when im at home with nothing better to do. i mean it sounds kinda weird to say but i really feel like im lost. i dont know where im going. i have plans but im not sure if those plans are what i really want. time is flying right past me and before i know it, its gonna be graduation and everyone is going off to their college and do what theyre gonna do. but as for me idk what imma do. sure imma go to college and stuff but i have no idea what i wanna do like at all. stress stress stress i REALLY HATE junior year. i thought it would be so much fun but its all about grades grades grades SATs grades SATs grades ughhhhh. i hate it. i just wanna take a break. a weekend isnt enough for me. it goes by way too quickly and i hate it. and now its 2nd semester which means things are gonna be even worse. more homework. ap test. SATs. aye. and as for sadies. i dont even know if imma go. SATs is the next morning... ugh geez.