Tuesday, February 10, 2009


ive been addicted to that stupid game for the past week. dang. :[ thats so sad.
ummmm. lets seee. i didnt do anything over the weekend cuz of the rain and my mom didnt want me to drive around in the rain. but on monday i finally got the car so i drove to krystal's and we went to la puente to meet up with andrew. it was fun. and we watched hes just not that into you. i liked it a lot. (: ahhah me and krystal cried. WOW. LAME. KRYSTAL FINALLY GOT TEXTING. dang about time.
ugh i hate the cold weather right now. its too cold :[ and its freezing in just about every single class. its so sad. mr power is crazy. he doesnt even bother to turn on the heater. it was colder in his class than outside. then mr anderson was nice enough to turn it on and it finally worked! its not broken anymore! and i got a B on my first exam wooooot. (: i should really study more though.
hmmmm. soo my grades are actually pretty good. haha im so happy that im not failing bio like i did in the beginning of first semester.
i think thats it. ? o i can finally see nadine again. :] i havent seen her for a while. haha shes so adorable.
and um.. idk people are kinda annoying me right now. cuz like they always misunderstand all the things i do or say seriously. idk. people try so hard but for what? you dont needa try that hard to talk to someone. just talk i suppose? and if they dont wanna talk to you then O WELL move on. friends come and go. and i really hate that but its true. and if because its true just deal with it i suppose. theres not much you can do about it. stop chasing after them and let them go.

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