Wednesday, February 18, 2009

liar liar pants on fire

hanging from a telephone wire.
soo today was pretty decent. two people i knew asked boys to sadies which was interesting. i guess the only things that made my day was jade actually taking the time to make me hot chocolate and giving it to me at school. & chris tucker (: i miss her. i havent talked to her for like a while and i feel like ive been missin out on A LOT. idk things are just so aghh right now. and im kinda glad that andrew called last night and we talked for a whole hr or so. and then i was texting chan and adam sortaish. didnt tutor today but imma go to practice tomorrow. pay for my ish. and start tutoring again. i think my grades are pretty decent. except in spanish. i think im failing? o well it'll go up hopefully.

lying is so stupid. I HATE LIARS. seriously. it pisses me off when people switch up the story to make themselves sound right. and some people are just BAD at lying. its just so obviously and they think they can get away with it. they cant. everyone can see it but no one cares that much obviously. & another thing that bugs me is that people are such hypocrites. i guess everyone is though. but still if you say youre not gonna do something then do it! dont go around telling everyone "oo yeah i dont do this anymore" and then do it. its just STUPID. and people who brag about EVERYTHING are just losers. seriously. why are you gonna brag? just cuz you THINK youre so good at it? but in reality youre probably not as good as you think you are? wth man. FAIL. you probably just wanna make yourself feel better i suppose. i mean if youre really that good you dont needa brag about it people will know themselves and point out "oo yeah youre good" i dont understand people. i dont understand boys.

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