Sunday, February 22, 2009

what is 69?

krystal honestly didnt know what that meant. wooow. buuut anyways
i was hella pissy last night. so i went to go watch andrew and my brother play at garey and andrew did super well like usual and my brother i have no idea how he got a superior. they pretty much sucked. idk i was so surprised. then later i went to petco and bought some stuff for lucky cuz his skin is itchy and ish. idk whats wrong but its so sad. :[
then i got my tire changed and waited for krystal to come and we went to monclair to shop and stuff. i saw a bunch of people yesterday. and thenn we met up with andrew at the shoppes.
we played hide n seek and he NEVER found us and he just gave up. which kinda piss me off cuz then hes like oo come find me instead. wth. but i found him easily so whatever. but my legs hurt real bad and i couldnt walk so i told him to carry him and he wouldnt so i was like wow jerk. so me and krystal left him again and went to this little market and then tj. after we walked out we ran into them again and we left again cuz he was being a total jerk so me and krystal ended up eating johnny rocket ourselves. it was pretty funny cuz dang krystal was hella loud. ahhahah. shes dirty too. dang. ovulating or what? idk whats her problem. ahhah afterwards we sat there and decided to watch the water change colors. it always make me feel better. until those little kids started playing in it so we left and krystal has to pee so we went into barnes and nobles again. and once again we saw them. and we just stood there looking at books and messing with the touch screen computer and we ended up in this romance section and it has some pretty interesting pictures. idk i think it was stupid. then we went into the sexual and relationship section cuz krystal didnt know what 69 was and she wanted to know and no one wanted to tell her. so we were all there and this old white lady kept looking at us as we were looking through the books it was so awkward. she looked at us and smiled. awkwarddd. but yeah then we ended up in the jokes section and they were reading these stupidass jokes. it wasnt very funny. until they came across this yo momma joke book which was a little better. thenn i took krystal home and it was dead quiet in the car. cuz i was in a bad mood and she knew it and didnt say anything. yep then i fell asleep on the phone with tu after i complained to her about everything. anddd yeah. he never called either. dumb hoe. but whatever now i have nothing else to do but homework.
im still hella sore but im feeling a little better. im so glad its gonna rain tomorrow so i dont needa go to practice. cuz i think i need at least another 2 days for me to get better. i cant even run hahaha. i walk like krystal. :[
i hope this week it gets better. & im not even read for SATs and its coming up quick. and i needa get my ap paper fixed. it says im hispanic? -_-

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