Saturday, September 6, 2008


so today didnt do much. chloe was suppose to come over but ended up going to carol's. ahha its all good.

spent all day finishing up my homework cuz i dont wanna procrastinate and do it tomorrow.
i went with chloe to her "church" thingy. it was pretty chill. everyone was very nice and welcome me and stuff.
we played 'ball' ahahha funny stuff. i like how when i say my name is jacky chan people dont believe me. her pastor mark said that hes going to get me out the next time i go over there and play ball with them again. ahah funny stuff.

we've only been in school for a freakin week but it feels like a month already. dang.
i got my shot today for hpv. this is like my 3rd shot ouch. & i got another blood test. dang man. sucks. hurts like a alsdjflasdjf.

gonna go window shopping tomorrow. woo how fun. i guess. hahah. im tired. & i havent had enough sleep for like a whole week already. IM DYING. homework is killing me also. i hate biology. i suck at it. ahhahah. dang.
o well im sure i can do it (:

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