Sunday, September 28, 2008


i went to the hospital today and it was so sad.
everyone was crying and stuff. :[
ive never seen my aunts cry like that since my grandpa died which was like 8 years ago.
and his daughter cant even see him cuz of that stupid mother of hers.
agh. its so sad to even think about it.
but i got to see like a lot of my cuzins today and theyre freakin short.
i mean they make me look tall. ahhah crazy.
and yesterday irvin ended up coming over instead of me going over.
and it was pretty weird and funny at the same time. hes super perverted/weird/mean
and now im waiting for andrew to calll.
o man. horrible weekend. :[ it went by too quick.
& now i gotta start on homowork.

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