Tuesday, September 2, 2008

junior year sucks already

ok so far junior freakin sucks. homework on the first day already UGH. seriously.
i DONT have any classes with andrew but i have classes with that stupid idiot jiggle jiggle agh.
i have the worse pre cal teacher ever seriously. the whole time she was drawing maps bout her stupid country she was from. WTH we're in math not history.

irvin is in my english class. which is freakin AWKWARD. cuz we hardly talk and then all of sudden we started talking again? eh

i think imma fail ap bio seriously. idk what imma dooooo. i hate reading. agh.

lunch is freakin crowded too! barely got a table. had to sit with swiper.

i hope this year is going to be gooood. or else.

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