Sunday, September 14, 2008

once again.

went to the ortho today and it was boring. haha. dang. today is the moon cake festival thingy with all those NASTY moon cakes. boo.
well turns out that i might get my braces off early (:
i might get them off in like 3 months at least. haha
well i can finally seeeee the light. dang. it feels like i havent had braces for that long actually. only like a year? not that bad.

i finished homework early today. i read the book but didnt comprehend anything. hah.
i was super tired & grumpy sorta. idk i feel like im pmsing already. dang. but yeah finally got my sleep & i feeeel great.

house bunny was good. haha i liked it a lot. it was very fun yesterday. eh nothing really special happened.
school tomorrow & yeaaaahhh.

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