Wednesday, September 24, 2008

stupid bee

ok so today it was ok. this morning was pretty funny. i brought my ipod and andrew brought his and we were trying to see who can play louder music. of course i won cuz my earphones are so bomb. but yeah. then first period was hella boring. & i gotta do my cornell notes -_-
stupid essay thingy for ap bio tomorrow. im kinda scared & irvin is coming over later to help me study :]
then pre cal was easy. im like done with my hw.
english was funny. miss northrop told stephanie that this senior thinks shes cute and he likes her and she turned red. ahhaha it was pretty funny. i can see that miss northrop was enjoying it. hahah
spanish was ok. didnt do much. pretty easy.
cooking was lame. bianca wasnt there and stuff. soo yeah. then after school this stupid bee tried to attack me like 3 times. and i think it actually stung me on my back. cuz it itches and i can feel a little bump -_-
then andrew was being a jerk and decided to leave me for sectionals. but its ok (:
then right away jade came and ask me if we got back together and i told her nope
and she was like wth you guys were like holding hands. ahah i just smiled and said naw.
but yeah.
things are getting better.
a lot better i suppose. but yeeeeeeah. thats it for now.

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