Thursday, October 9, 2008


school is so boring and tiring. i hate it.
stupid homework & everything else. blah.
today i was ok.
first period. we took a survey. im still behind in my notes i keep forgetting to ask andrew or jade for the notes.
2nd period. hm. i actually had food. granola bar & gummy worms. haha nothing interesting just notes. haha except today anderson made that one thingy idk what its called. its those little thingys where you pick a color then a number and another number and then another number and you get your fortune. haha bianca screamed out "ooo tell me my fortune!" and hes like " youre gonna be ugly for the rest of your life" LMAO. wow i cant believe he said that. jerrrrk.
3rd period. ummm it was lame. im all caught up in that. ummmm... i actually had time to read for english. hah. i never read it.
4th period. took my quiz. and um.. we had to come up with a skit and whoever she calls on must perform it to the class. luckily we didnt get called on cuz we didnt have anything. HAH. and the guy paten however you spell it. he always winks at me when he talks to me. AWKWARD.
5th period. spanish was fun. pretty intense. hahah we were playing these games and dang i was so close to winning. HAHAH we got a tie but i lost cuz i let her win ahahah. yeeeah riiiight.
6th period. we made cheesecakes! woot. our first one didnt look so good. it was pretty bad actually. freakin everyone else like ribbit's group was all up on us telling us to hurry up and blend the stuff. CALM DOWN. geez. and then me and bianca we made one just for us. and those stupid alksdjfklasdjf didnt do anything. stupid fatasses. seriously! they NEVER do anything. its always us that cleans up and shit. they never do anything and its making me mad. today asked her to help us clean cuz me and bianca were busy making the other cheesecake we wanted and she hesistated. and i was like wth. its part of your responsibility to help us clean/cook/bake. she was the one that cut those stupid strawberries and she didnt wanna clean up her own mess. BS. shank and skank. seriously. and she always eats all of our food and we never have enough.

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