Sunday, October 26, 2008


ok well yesterday i went to chloe's house and we just chilled at this one party her neighbor/friend was having. soo we went and there was like no one there. then i heard that gwen was gonna be there [my cuzin] so we didnt talk much haha. and she said i owe her ice cream from like freakin 10 years ago. wow. cant believe she remembers that. ahha good times. i miss those days. so stayed there and we played capture the flag which took forever but we won at the end. freakin i dropped my phone in the process trying to chase this guy down which piss me off. cuz i couldnt even run in my sandels i was so scared of like tripping or something. and chloe introduced me to this cute guy name dominic idk if thats how you spell it but yeah. he was pretty cute ahah and he was all flirting with us. it was funny. but yeah. then we went to krystal's house cuz chloe bugged me for like 2 or 3 hrs to go and she freakin bruised me in the process. ughh and i was wearing shorts soo it was all obvious. i didnt notice until we got to the mall. well when we got to krystal's house we chilled for a bit and went to soup plantation and ate. i didnt eat much cuz i wasnt that hungry. ahha it was fun. then we went to the mall. and yeeeah. after that we went to cherry on top and got yogurt. THANKS TO CAROL FOR PAYING FOR EVERYTHING! then we went to krystal's house and we played hangman while chloe and carol were doing some sorta of dance thingy. ahaha it was soo ironic. she spelt my name without a 'n' at the end cuz she didnt have enough room and my nickname for chloe is bobacakes and my word was lollicup.
krystal lost. ahha then we played 2 vs 2 and me and chloe won again. cuz chloe came up with some impossible word. so we had to go and carol was rushing back to give me and chloe a ride home. dang. it sucked cuz the cops were there and i thought that she was gonna get in trouble. cuz first of all she was speeding and then she wasnt suppose to have passengers. THANKFULLY she looks older than her actual age. ahah. but overall it was fun i suppose. killed a lot of time and yeah. andrew is coming over today and we'll see how that goes.
i really need to study for ap bio. aghhh.

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