Thursday, October 16, 2008


i seriously think im getting sick. & my back is killing me. i feel so old. ever since we came back from knotts my back looks like krystal's! ahah (;
danng man. i was so hungry cuz nhs took a while to sign in and when i finally signed in bianca, jade, and kayleen took a while. but then kayleen disappeared. idk where she went. hah. but it was pretty chill. we had a sub for first period and it was soo boring. even the sub was falling asleep.
soo today is the 16th. it feels like we've been school for sucha long time but then if you really look at it its only been like a little longer than a month. school is so stressful. dang freshmen & sophomore year was so freakin easy. i didnt needa study for anything and everything was so chill. and now i gotta study and stuff. gayy.
bio was much better today. we continued our lab but it went by quick. jade was being stupid. and i yelled at her at lunch cuz she threw carrots at me while i was trying to do something i forgot what. but yeah she noticed i got mad so she stopped i felt bad.
i think im actually starting to like spanish now. its fun and omg nina is very annoying but it was funny ahhaha. she kept laughing over the littlest thing and whats her name idk how to spell it so im not until i learn how to spell her name hahah. she was like very annoyed but she tried to play it off. it was very entertaining hahah.
then adam was very nice and bought me a twix from yuong cuz i was hungry. chocolate isnt the best thing to eat. but hey food is food. haha thank you adam (:
and then idk we were talking about hair. haha cuz yuong doesnt do his hair anymore so i told him that his hair looks soft. and so i touched it and i was surprised cuz it wasnt very soft. O_o i touched michelle's and yeah it was azn hair. ahha. we had a sub for that class also. mr h was our sub and he was doing something for chem idk. and brian was in charge. and he doesnt know me so he asked what my name was so i can get participation points and i told him its jacky chan and ahah his face was like what?! O_o ahahha. he kept calling me jen and jen got mad and was like i dont even look like her! ahah. in english irvin was being dumb and conceited and wont make me my quesadilla! >.< and idk he was like making up history and me and zippy were like wth we never heard of that before.
russell was falling asleep. again.
6th period i gotta say was the BEST. cuz we made food of course.! but im freakin serious that thing was so bomb. i was nice and i split it into 3. one for me, one for andrew, and one for adam. ahhah. im nice like that (:

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