Friday, October 17, 2008


ap bio is killing meeee. i gotta study my goodness for that stupid exam next friday! even though it may seem like a while well not really its gonna come up quick! i havent read at all. AGHH. fml.
im not ready. but yeah. idk my grades are VERY BAD. im still trying to get comfortable but its not really happening. and now i got a lab due monday and i barely did anything. my data table arent even filled out yeah. and spanish omg. I HATE MS MENDEZ FOR BEING SUCHA HORRIBLE TEACHER! im doing so bad in spanish 3 cuz idk where the accents goes.! i always misplace them. we had to present and i was so nervous. my voice was shaky and so was my hand HAH! dang. im sucha dork. but yeah. it was pretty bad. i hope i did good. SPECIAL THANKS TO KRYSTAL YANG FOR HELPING ME WITH THE DECORATIONS! :] but yeah today wasnt that bad. i STILL didnt pay my due for csf. now i gotta pay 3 more bucks. AGH i shouldve paid earlier but i kept forgetting and then everyone is paying for their stupid homecoming tickets.
psat tomorrow. i cant sleep in till sunday! agh. but its all worth it cuz imma go to the movies with andrew, adam, victoria & krystal [hopfully], and bianca woot. gonna FINALLY see eagle eye. me and andrew planned this for the longest time but it had to be postponed so many times.
and im sooo excited for monday. its gonna be soo dope. FINALLY GOOD FOOD! i actually something to look forward to now. besides the movies tomorrow.
and OMG. fuckin tu she like dug her nails into my wrist. and i was fucking bleeding. i dont even get a fucking sorrrry! STUPID JERK. she thinks its ok cuz i barely hit her stomach it wasnt her stomach it was her side! AGH. stupid aghh. so mad
i was gonna slap her but then thats the point she wont do anything but just hurt me more. stupid idiot.

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