Friday, October 24, 2008

i like this car..

ok so today wasnt that greatest at first but at the end it was pretty great.
i had a rough start again in the beginning. first period was soo boring. so we 2nd and 3rd and 4th was ok 5th i was pmsing and i wanted chocolate but for once yuong didnt have candy. 6th period ugh what a drag.
those stupid hoes were complaining that they couldnt do anything cuz once they did i gave them a loook. ok i did so what? it shouldnt stop you for contributing to the group. thats just a lame excuse soo after 6th period i was kinda worried about andrew and his leg. it was sad cuz everyone was making fun of him cuz he couldnt walk right. cuz he was limping :[
so then i drove home. stopped by costco and went to my aunt's house and came home. waited for victoria to come pick us up to go to the homecoming game which sucked btw.
except this white lady omg. she was so funny ahahah she had the highest voice ever and she kept screaming ahhahah. we left the game early cuz we didnt wanna leave when everyone was leaving so we left and then we went to the shoppes. got pinkberry and sat in barnes and nobels for a while and we were looking at books. this one cupcake book was so good. ahha it made me want cupcakes. we left barnes a nobles and we sat outside taking pictures and these dumb guys were like BED TIME i was like wtf stfu. then we just continued taking pictures and after that we just sat there staring at the pretty lights again. haha
on our way to the car meghan kept saying how cute victoria's car was ahahah she was like getting horny cuz of the car. LMAO. omgg funny stuff.
good night.

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