Wednesday, October 15, 2008

yeah i know

i know that im acting immature about this issue but hey i never said i was mature. i can mature in some cases but yeah most of the time im not. hah. just wow i cant believe it. im not scary at all well maybe cuz i look pissed off all the time but still i wouldnt do anything.

well lets talk about schoool :[
first period was sooo boring. we watched a movie and took notes. i hate first period.
2nd. was boring too. jade wasnt there and we did a lab.
3rd was cold and it was easy. ahah i hate precal though
4th was cold also. it was hard we had to like idk what we were doing. ahha
5th period was fun. i was trying to do this pen thingy that yuong tried to teach me. it didnt work out so well.
6th period sucks it was so boring. and bianca hasnt gone to school for the longest time. but shes coming back tomorrow! yay (:

and yeahh i think im getting sick. not a good sign. :[
everyone around me are sick sorta. idk what happened to jade she like disappeared or something. idk
and um.. mara i wish i could go to your house on nov 1st for your bday but idk if i can. i shall try (:

krystal came over and shes helping me out with my project cuz shes way more creative than i am. yep. woot gonna make quesadillas tomorrow (: . im readyyy.

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